Create & connect a Wallet

Learn how to create your Wallet & connect it to Impossible Finance

Intro to Non-Custodial Wallets

To start participating on the DeFi revolution & join IDOs on Impossible Finance, you first need to create your own personal crypto Wallet.

If you are coming from an Exchange and you are new to DeFi, here's a good video from Metamask explaining the differences between holding your money in a Wallet and holding it in an Exchange.

How to choose the correct wallet?

Choosing the most appropriate wallet based on your needs is vital. Wallets can be accessed via desktop computers & smartphones, and both options have different strengths.

Let's take a look at the major differences between desktop & mobile wallets:

Your private key or recovery phrase ("seed phrase") should never be shared with anyone, no matter the situation, as it would give them complete control over your crypto. Store the private key safely offline.

Comparison between Desktop & Mobile Wallets

You now understand a bit better the differences between the two type of wallets & should be able to decide which fits your needs the best.

Over the next page, we'll offer some pros & cons on some of the most popular mobile & desktop wallets that you can use on Impossible Finance.

Last updated