Launchpad Contract V4
Learn more about the the functioning bones of our IDOs
Last updated
Learn more about the the functioning bones of our IDOs
Last updated
With Launchpad V4, we have pushed the boundaries of what is (Im)possible, offering an unparalleled level of control and adaptability to both users & projects alike.
Whether you're a developer, upcoming project, or tech or one of ourse staking users, this powerful tool opens up a world of possibilities of what we can do with our IDOs.
Stake in Chain A, Purchase & Claim in Chain B
Stake & Claim only (no purchase required)
The claim delay is no longer editable after purchase ends
A simple per-second release of tokens, linearly from start time to end time.
Adjustable date, time & amount of tokens to be released over a period of time.
Supports up to 10 Years vesting time from the day of purchase ended
Supports up to 100 Cliff vesting claims w/ varied % released within each claim
You can now understand how powerful of a tool the Launchpad V4 is, allowing for extreme levels of flexibility while improving the already secure framework of our Launchpad.